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Electronic Publishing

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To Our Authors, Concerning Copyright

It is the policy of the Journal of Philosophy that authors transfer copyright to the Journal of Philosophy, Inc. Authors are generally permitted to reprint their articles in books at no fee; however, we do ask that you include a citation of the original publication.

At any time after an article has been accepted and a copyright agreement has been completed, authors are allowed to post a pre-review version of the article manuscript to websites as long as the Journal copyright is acknowledged; such use does not extend, however, to permission for the host site (such as a university server) to repackage any Journal copyrighted material with other electronic content for whatever reason–educational, commercial, or otherwise.

Author Self-Archiving Policy

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Need to find an article DOI? Search our electronic collection at the Philosophy Documentation Center or use Crossref's guest query tool.

If you have any questions about our copyright policy, we will be glad to answer them.